The Alienware Area-51m is a full-fledged desktop disguised as a laptop

The Alienware Area-51m is a full-fledged desktop disguised as a laptop

The ‘world’s most powerful gaming laptop’ wants to bring user-replaceable processors, graphics cards, storage, and RAM to portable computers By Chaim Gartenberg – @cgartenberg Jan 8, 2019 Alienware needed to fix the gaming laptop. Today’s laptops aren’t broken, per se — they’re thinner, lighter, and more powerful than ever before. But as gaming desktops have…

Invisible 3D objects can be felt thanks to haptic holograms

Invisible 3D objects can be felt thanks to haptic holograms

Haptic technologies are big business these days, and joining the burgeoning scene is a team of researchers from Bristol University, who’ve found a way to create invisible “three-dimensional haptic shapes in mid-air using focused ultrasound”.     “What we aim to do is give you the feeling of touch without you touching anything,” explained computer…

Rules of Machine Learning: Best Practices for ML Engineering

Rules of Machine Learning: Best Practices for ML Engineering

Martin Zinkevich This document is intended to help those with a basic knowledge of machine learning get the benefit of Google’s best practices in machine learning. It presents a style for machine learning, similar to the Google C++ Style Guide and other popular guides to practical programming. If you have taken a class in machine…

Solar Power Stations In Space – Sending Energy To Earth

Solar Power Stations In Space – Sending Energy To Earth

Plans for first Chinese solar power station in space revealed By Kirsty Needham – February 15, 2019 – The Sydney Morning Herald Beijing: China is taking its renewable energy push to new heights, with scientists revealing plans to build the first solar power station in space. A solar power station orbiting the earth at 36,000 kilometres…

Das sind die häufigsten Deal Breaker mit VCs

Das sind die häufigsten Deal Breaker mit VCs

by Jan Schnedler – 08 FEB 2019 Im schlimmsten Fall kann einer dieser Punkte ausreichen, damit ein Investor sich gegen die Finanzierung eines Startups entscheidet. Werden mehrere dieser Punkte erfüllt, wird es für Startups bei professionellen Investoren sehr schwer, eine Finanzierung zu erhalten. In meiner langjährigen Startup-Beratung haben sich einige Punkte herauskristallisiert, die für professionelle…

Podcasts schlagen Tageszeitungen

Podcasts schlagen Tageszeitungen

  Im neuen „Spiegel“ findet sich ein Interview mit „New York Times“-Verleger Arthur Gregg Sulzberger und darin fallen bemerkenswerte Sätze: “Wir haben viele Jahre geglaubt, Podcasts funktionierten nicht. Wir hatten es versucht und es hat nicht funktioniert. Unser Podcast damals bestand aus einem Reporter, der die Titelseite vorlas. Im Januar 2017 haben wir es trotzdem…

ExoWarfare done miserably:  “Internet Research Agency” (IRA) Russia – Human Trolls

ExoWarfare done miserably: “Internet Research Agency” (IRA) Russia – Human Trolls

Internet Research Agency Die Bilanz der “Trollfabrik” von Mathias Brandt – 18.12.2018 Die Internet Research Agency (IRA) ist ein Unternehmen aus Sankt Petersburg, dass als “Trollfabrik” der russischen Regierung gilt. Eine aktuellen Studie des an der Oxford-Universität angesiedelten Computational Propaganda Research Projects (COMPROP) zufolge haben die Propaganda-Experten der IRA während des US-Wahlkampfs 2016 auf allen…

DARPA Cortical Modem Connects Brain Directly To Computer: Direct Neural Interface (DNI) Chip

DARPA Cortical Modem Connects Brain Directly To Computer: Direct Neural Interface (DNI) Chip

DARPA’s cortical modem implant could restore sight loss and provide eyes with a heads-up display   DARPA Cortical Modem connects brain directly to computer for ‘electronic telepathy and telekinesis’ A brain-computer interface has been developed by the US Defence Research Projects Agency (DARPA) that is capable of laying a heads-up display over a user’s natural…

DARPA Announces 2019 AI Colloquium on March 6-7, 2019 in Alexandria, VA

DARPA Announces 2019 AI Colloquium on March 6-7, 2019 in Alexandria, VA

Scientific defense community to convene and learn about agency’s robust R&D efforts in artificial intelligence 11/16/2018 Throughout DARPA’s history, artificial intelligence (AI) has been an important area of groundbreaking research and development (R&D). In the 1960s, DARPA researchers completed some of the foundational work in the field, leading to the creation of expert systems,…

Künstliche Intelligenz bedroht Google’s und Facebook’s Geschäftsmodelle

Künstliche Intelligenz bedroht Google’s und Facebook’s Geschäftsmodelle

“Quantum AI Supremacy” & “Distributed, Portable AI” Experten glauben, dass Google und facebook eine Entwicklung der Technologie unterschätzen. Und die könnte die Stellung der Konzerne trotz massiver Investitionen stark bedrohen.   Google, Facebook und Co. könnten zu den Dinosauriern des Zeitalters der künstlichen Intelligenz werden. „Das Rennen um die Vormachtstellung bei der künstlichen Intelligenz ist…

ExoWarfare: DARPA’s New $2 billion “AI NEXT” Initiative – Parallel to $1.7 billion JAIC

ExoWarfare: DARPA’s New $2 billion “AI NEXT” Initiative – Parallel to $1.7 billion JAIC

Leaders at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency announced Sept. 7 a $2 billion initiative, known as AI Next, that aims to substantially improve artificial intelligence research. “With AI Next, we are making multiple research investments aimed at transforming computers from specialized tools to partners in problem-solving,” Steven Walker, the agency’s director, said in a…

What will top the US Space Force to-do list?

What will top the US Space Force to-do list?

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the Air Force’s Global Positioning System was a continuous target. “Every year [as] we went through the budget cycle the United States Air Force … tried to kill the GPS program,” Gen. John Hyten, now head of U.S. Strategic Command, said during a 2015 speech. “Why would they…

3 Trends In The Future Of Cyber Conflict

3 Trends In The Future Of Cyber Conflict

Cyber has become a means for nations and organizations to achieve objectives below the thresholds of conflict. In this new digital warfare domain, traditional conceptions are being flipped on their heads.     Here are three potential trends that could factor into this increasingly dynamic environment, according to Col. Steve Rehn, the cyber capability manager…