10-Year Anniversary – The 2019 State of Debate in a Video Rap Battle
… for all the details, scroll down :)
Reading Material and Books
- “Satoshi Nakamoto’s” (Wikipedia) Original Whitepaper
The PDF – various available translations – The Basics – Developer Documentation - High-level introduction to Blockchain:
Melanie Swan, Blockchain – Blueprint for a New Economy
ISBN-10: 1491920491 – ISBN-13: 978-1491920497 – Amazon US – Amazon DE - Techie-level introduction to Blockchain:
Andreas Antonopoulos: Mastering Bitcoin – Programing the Open Blockchain
Second Edition, Jul 2017
ISBN-10: 1491954388 – ISBN-13: 978-1491954386 – Amazon US – Amazon DE - A Comic-Like, simple explanation of Bitcoin and Blockchain (scroll down on the post)
- “The Authoritative Guide To Blockchain Development”
- Understand “Touring Complete“
- The Blockchain Genesis Block
- Lightning Network explained (more) – Bitcoin Microchannel Networks – Schnorr Signatures (more on Schnorr)
- RSK/RIF: Smart Contracts in Bitcoin PoW
- Difference between Sidechains and State Channels
- Goldman Sachs explains Blockchain (fancy animation, step-by-step)
- A simple, but very intuitive intro to Blockchain by Reuters
- Proof-of-Stake Concepts: the Caspers vs Tendermint
- Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Infocharts, Intros, News
- Halving countdown and statistics
- BitInfo – hashrate, values, etc
- – charts, starts, block queries
- Real-Time Blockchain Bitcoin Transaction Watch – with recent (closed) blocks
- Real-Time Blockchain Unconfirmed Transactions (mempool, in queue) and MemPool Statistics
- Auto-Updating Bitcoin Price Tracker
- News: Cointelegraph
- News: CoinDesk
- Blockchain explained in 2 minutes
- Bitcoin and Blockchain explained in 5 minutes
- TED talk: Blockchain: Massively Simplified
Initial Coin Offerings
“Cambrian Explosion” of disparate currencies
Most of these early blockchain innovators just took the original cryptocurrency’s source code, made their preferred changes, and launched their alternative versions as distinct cryptocurrencies; it was as if they’d modified the DNA of an existing species to create a new, reproductively isolated branch of the family tree.
- ICO Tracker “TrackICO“
- ICO Tracker “CoinSchedule“
- 99CryptoCoin – trading info on 1,300+ cryptocurrencies
- 5 Tips for New Bitcoin Investors
- Coins, Tokens, and Altcoins: what is the difference?
- Ethereum ERC-20 Tokens, Explained
- Non-Fungible Tokens, Explained

Bitcoin Futures
- Bitcoin Futures Explained

- Wallet Information & Background
- Crypto Wallets explained (high-level introduction)
- Some Wallet Examples
- Six Tools used by hackers to steal crypto currencies and how to protect wallets
- For kicks: the Top 10 Richest wallets
(note: anyone with half a brain will spread his / her wealth across many wallets)
The largest wallet is held by Satoshi Nakamoto with about 1 million BTC worth several billion US$
as of November 2017. – 16 APR 2018
“ZeroBlock” Android App for real-time BTC value and Blockchain Hashrate tracking:
This is a very old screenshot (obviously) – the hashrate is near 28 EH/s
and the Bitcoin value hovers around $9,000 – in March 2018.
Feel free to ask me about this:

Snapshot View (published April 2018)
Finally, when in doubt, ask an expert. But then, what is an expert’s opinion really worth?

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