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USA (Los Angeles, San Francisco/Silicon Valley, Dallas) and Europe (Berlin & Cap d’Antibes)
Strategist & Innovator
For the remainder of the 2020s we face turbulent times.
However, crisis also means opportunity: embrace it!
Blockchain & C6ISR Cyber Security Architect
Cognitive Warfare / AI Architect
Maritime Cyber & Privacy
“I create the ideas, the visions, new methods & technologies,
and turn them into companies and their successful and highly profitable products.”
Thomas J. Ackermann, aka “TJ”, studied Law, Macro-Economics, and Economics at Westfälische Wilhelms University in Münster/Westfalia, Germany; Criminal and Tort Law at William Howard Taft University in Orange County, California; and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in System Analysis.
He spent most of his professional career so far around Internet-centric start-ups, from being the first ISP in his hometown, founding his own start-up in Germany in the early days of the Internet, then moving to the US and Silicon Valley in 1994 for the disruptive Internet revolution, where he helped build several startup companies. Thomas also consulted and managed in Fortune 50 companies for the different working experience in those environments.
Among those, he built the global infrastructure for the first animation of the Internet (ShockWave/Flash), deployed the first content mirror sites – which we call Content Distribution Networks -CDN- today (for Macromedia in London and Tokyo), built the first SuperPOP (free carrier choice) data center in the heart of Silicon Valley (Globix), built the infrastructure for the first FinTech multi-bank money transfer system in the US through a web-based service (CashEdge), the first global bartering site with virtual cryptocurrency (Bartertrust), and developed the first working, signature-free defense against distributed Denial-of-Service (dDoS) attacks (Melior Inc CyberWarfare).
Building on the CyberWarfare success, he invented and built AI-based ThreadStream Logic Gate Computing, enabling ExoWarfare technology (ExoWarfare); early in the evolving Blockchain ledger technology, he created and designed industrial infrastructure and supercomputer Bitcoin mining hardware to scale its applications into the mid- and long-term future (Blockchain Industries, MetaBlockchains, Blockchain BGP, Blockwart) – these highly scalable, powerful machines were eventually built on own intelligent ASICs with 25 PH/s performance per machine while using only .7 MegaWatts in power to operate; they have mined a record number of Bitcoins compared to any hardware solution since, and will continue to do so for years to come at a very high profitability rate. Eventually, the infrastructure thus created will serve the purpose they were originally designed for: unleashing the true power of Blockchain (the super-safe Bitcoin PoW ‘variant’) to create new fraud-safe banking models with extremely low operating costs, which can also serve a new clientele currently not served at all in the fiat world. Thomas developed the ideas and concepts for uses and algorithms in Quantum Computing / Entanglement Communications in Blockchain and other fields (Quantum Blocks), as well as technology for conflict resolution in the 21st century (HyperWarfare, the successor technology of ExoWarfare). He also created one of multiple planned patents in the Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence fields (this one – June 2019 – to detect and thwart malicious transaction events – international PCT publication by the EPO on 21 SEP 2023), and developed executable business models in both areas, to address and benefit from the substantial changes both technologies will bring to the global economy (and societies).
“Kinetic and Cyber Conflicts are won on the Battlefields.
The War is won in the Minds.”
— TJ, when founding ExoWarfare (precursor to HyperWarfare), in OCT 2008
His main interest (expertise) is Warfare in the Cognitive Domain / AI, based on the cores of the Internet’s Redundant Infrastructure (BGP4), as well as Cyber Security (C6ISR – a common acronym used by the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. intelligence agencies, and the defense community, which stands for: Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Cyber-Defense, Combat-Systems, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance), and based on his various specialties in the following fields:
- Blockchain Technology (since 2012)
- Artificial Intelligence: ANI, LogicGate Computing, AGI, ASI, Cognitive Warfare (since 1989)
- Quantum Computing (since 2015)
- CyberWarfare (since 2001)
- ExoWarfare – Warfare in the Cognitive Domain: Group Targeting (since 2008)
- HyperWarfare – Warfare in the Cognitive Domain: Individual Targeting (since 2018)
- Innovation Management (since 1987)
- Open-source Sovereign Cloud Stacks (for old-world FLOP computing – such as GAIA-X Foundation)
Thomas (a.k.a. “TJ”) handled and intregrated many companies through mergers and acquisitions to facilitate rapid growth (from well-funded startups such as Bartertrust buying every US-national barter company, as well as two Canadian and an Australian company — to as big as linking Bank of America and Nationsbank during their merger).
Thomas believes in mentoring and training young talent, has consulted many individuals and start-ups, and facilitated internships for members of his student fraternity KDStV Sauerlandia (Münster) and other educational institutions.
Contributing to Open Source efforts remains a passion for Thomas, such as the Linux Foundation, Hyperledger, and the Crypto Valley Association in Switzerland; as well as lending technical and strategic support to Law Enforcement for the prosecution of Cyber Crime in and across various jurisdictions (member of the US Secret Service Electronic Crimes Task Force Network, and FBI Infraguard, both 2002-2012; Operation WebSnare; NSA SPOCK Program; etc).
Thomas is listed in Berlin Start-Up People.
Thomas is one of the few people to ever personally own a Cray Super Computer, and loves to create new technologies and businesses.
See below the list of “Firsts” since 1987 accomplished by Thomas.
My Passion
I have envisioned / built / scaled / managed / participated in many technical “firsts”:
– 1st Internet Service Provider (ISP) in my hometown (Münster / Westfalia, 1987)
– 1st Artificial Intelligence Learning Software for Law Students (German ‘Sachenrecht’, 1989)
– 1st Loss-Less X-ray Digitalization (DMI, introduced at Medica 1990)
– 1st Animation on the Web – Macromedia ShockWave – became Flash, thus enabling YouTube (1995)
– 1st Content-Mirror Website – Precursor for CDNs – Tokyo / Stockholm / London / San Francisco (1995)
– 1st Content-Aggregation Website with 400+ contributors (IGN, 1998)
– 1st Link – T3 = 45 MBit/s – between Bank of America and Nationsbank on BofA Acquisition (1998)
– 1st Pick-Your-Carrier ‘Super-POP’ data center – built it in the heart of Silicon Valley, Santa Clara (1999)
– 1st Global Barter solution with Crypto Currency (“Barter Dollar”, 2000)
– 1st Cross-Institution US Money Transfer via web service (2000)
– 1st Free Public WiFi Hotspot – featured in WIRED magazine (USA) April 2003 (2001)
– 1st Long-range WiFi War-Driving Van – 8-mile scan across San Francisco’s Golden Gate bridge (2001)
– 1st On-the-spot WiFi Encryption Breaking via my own Cray CS6400 supercomputer (2002)
– 1st Working (!) Defense against distributed Denial-of-Service (dDoS) attacks (2004)
– 1st Digitization of Automotive Repair – “Brick & Mortar”, over 1.7m YouTube Views (2009)
– 1st AI & Deep Learning: Fully Encrypted Real-Life-Cyber (RLC) ThreadStream LogicGates: ExoWarfare (2012)
– 1st Production deployment of ExoWarfare applications (2013)
– 1st Blockchain Supercomputers (MSEM) – Bitcoin Mining from PetaHash to ExaHash (2014, 2015)
– 1st Scalability Design for Blockchain Growth while lowering Transaction Cost (2016)
– 1st Technical Design & Business Case to exceed 51% of Blockchain PoW Infrastructure (2016)
– 1st Analysis of Quantum Computing on the Safety of PoW Blockchains (2017)
– 1st Virtualization of PoW Blockchain Infrastructure for Private Blockchains (2017)
– 1st Integration of Multiple Private & Public Blockchains (2017)
– 1st Design of a scalable Private PoW Military Blockchain on Secure Hardware (Bundeswehr, 2018)
– 1st Blockchain & AI Patent – realm: fraud protection (June 2019; EPO PCT publication 21 SEP 2023)
– 1st Fully scalable, high transaction rate Industrial Scale Blockchain on Bitcoin PoW core (September 2019)
– 1st Production deployment of HyperWarfare applications (2020)
– 1st Production deployment of HyperWarfare TruSquare Social Media Precision Targeting (Summer 2021)
– 1st Global Cyber Risk Score Concept for Finance, Logistics, Cyber Insurance – see: Spotify Podcast (2022)
*EPO = European Patent Office (website)
… more to come after my sabbatical, I am not done yet!
Some of my most popular curated News Archive Posts:
– AI in Fraud Protection (APR 2023)
– Breaking RSA with a Quantum Computer (JAN 2023)
– 17 Malware Frameworks Target Air-Gapped Systems for Espionage
– RPC Firewall Dubbed ‘Ransomware Kill Switch’ Released to Open Source
– NSA TAO Chief on Disrupting Nation State Hackers
– New Morphing Computer Chip Repels Hundreds of Professional DARPA Hackers
– The Fall of The One Trick Ponies? Google & Facebook
– DEEPDUB — Break-Through in Audio Synchronization
– Wonder how SpaceX’s StarLink can achieve record low latency?
– What is China’s SKYNET Yes: it is what you think it is.

“If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur.“
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