Wem gehört der DAX?

Wem gehört der DAX?

Wem gehört der Dax? Eine Teilantwort liefert die Deutsche Bank: Der frühere UBS-Vorstand Jürg Zeltner soll in ihren Aufsichtsrat einziehen. Der Name klingt deutsch, der Mann ist Schweizer – vertreten wird er die Interessen von Katar. Zeltner ist ein Vertrauter der katarischen Herrscherfamilie Al Thani. Katars ehemaliger Emir Hamad bin Khalifa und sein Cousin Hamad bin Jassim halten jeweils drei bis fünf Prozent. Sie sind damit die einflussreichsten Aktionäre…

Global Top 10 best cities to live and work in: 3 of those are in Germany

Global Top 10 best cities to live and work in: 3 of those are in Germany

von Frauke Suhr Gleich drei Städte in Deutschland zählen zu den Top zehn der lebenswertesten Städten der Welt. – In einem aktuellen Ranking hat das Unternehmen Kisi Metropolen weltweit nach der besten Work-Life-Balance bewertet. Zu den Faktoren zählten sowohl harte Daten wie die Arbeitslosenquote, die Anzahl der wöchentlichen Arbeitsstunden, die verfügbaren Urlaubstage und der Zugang…

The BORG – Made In Tokyo & Berlin: Human Organs Grown On Animals

The BORG – Made In Tokyo & Berlin: Human Organs Grown On Animals

Rattenembryo nach 15,5 Tagen: Die Forschung soll eines Tages Patienten helfen, die auf ein Spenderorgan warten. DONNERSTAG, 1. AUGUST 2019 | BERLINER MORGENPOST click on each article for higher resolution English articles: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-02275-3 https://futurism.com/the-byte/japanese-scientist-human-organs-animal-embryos      

An AI “Vaccine” Can Block Adversarial Attacks

An AI “Vaccine” Can Block Adversarial Attacks

Virtual Vaccine For as smart as artificial intelligence systems seem to get, they’re still easily confused by hackers who launch so-called adversarial attacks — cyberattacks that trick algorithms into misinterpreting their training data, sometimes to disastrous ends. In order to bolster AI’s defenses from these dangerous hacks, scientists at the Australian research agency CSIRO say in a…

275 KI-Startups in Deutschland im Überblick

275 KI-Startups in Deutschland im Überblick

275 Startups mit künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) als Kernelement des Geschäftsmodells haben die Analysten von Appanion Labs in Deutschland gezählt. Der mit Abstand bedeutendste KI-Standort ist Berlin mit 102 Startups gefolgt von München (50) und Hamburg (17). Etwas mehr als ein Drittel der Neugründungen haben keinen Branchenfokus, sondern bieten Lösungen für sämtliche Industrien an. Gemessen daran,…

USMC: Marines want their phones and tablets to handle classified data

USMC: Marines want their phones and tablets to handle classified data

The Marine Common Handheld program will provide secure mobile computing at the tactical edge. (Lance Cpl. Harrison C. Rakhshani/Marine Corps)   The Marine Corps has selected several companies to bid on task orders that will allow warfighters to transmit secure on-the-move command-and-control and situational awareness data, including sending classified information through commercial smartphones and tablets.…

What is China’s SKYNET (yes: it is what you think it is)

What is China’s SKYNET (yes: it is what you think it is)

UPDATED 15 JUN 2020 (scroll to the bottom) What is “Skynet”: China’s massive video surveillance network Skynet is the Chinese government’s video surveillance system, which it claims is for tracking criminals. Under the project, more than 20 million cameras have been set up in public spaces across the country. It’s said to be able to…

Reality Mining: China’s “three-dimensional portrait and integrated data doors” vacuum up MAC addresses, IMEI numbers, and more

Reality Mining: China’s “three-dimensional portrait and integrated data doors” vacuum up MAC addresses, IMEI numbers, and more

These data doors include facial recognition sensors, ID scanners and sensors for collecting electronic device information. At the Aq Mosque in Urumqi, 2018.   Surveillance China’s ‘data doors’ scoop up information straight from your phone The security screeners scan more than your face, picking up MAC addresses and IMEI numbers Facial recognition devices have become…

Public Beta: Google’s Scalable 100+ PetaFLOP Supercomputers For Machine Learning: Cloud Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) Pods

Public Beta: Google’s Scalable 100+ PetaFLOP Supercomputers For Machine Learning: Cloud Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) Pods

(a full Cloud TPU v3 Pod — right-click to “view image” in full size)   To accelerate the largest-scale machine learning (ML) applications deployed today and enable rapid development of the ML applications of tomorrow, Google created custom silicon chips called Tensor Processing Units (TPUs). When assembled into multi-rack ML supercomputers called Cloud TPU Pods,…

Alibaba-backed, Chinese Gov-supporting facial recognition AI startup Megvii raises $750 million

Alibaba-backed, Chinese Gov-supporting facial recognition AI startup Megvii raises $750 million

One of China’s most ambitious artificial intelligence startups, Megvii, more commonly known for its facial recognition brand Face++, announced Wednesday that it has raised $750 million in a Series E funding round. Founded by three graduates from the prestigious Tsinghua University in China, the eight-year-old company specializes in applying its computer vision solutions to a…

New report explains how China thinks about information warfare

New report explains how China thinks about information warfare

The Chinese military has established a Network Systems Department, responsible for information warfare.   The Department of Defense’s annual report on China’s military and security developments provides new details about how China’s military organizes its information warfare enterprise, an area that has been of particular interest to U.S. military leaders. In 2015, the People’s Liberation…

Security lapse exposed a Chinese smart city surveillance system

Security lapse exposed a Chinese smart city surveillance system

“The Ministry of Love (Newspeak: Miniluv) – interior ministry. It enforces loyalty to Big Brother through fear, buttressed through a massive apparatus of security and repression, as well as systematic brainwashing.” Wikipedia description re: Orwell 1984 Thousands of facial recognition scans were matched against Chinese police records Smart cities are designed to make life easier…