Intertwining Cyber And Electronic Warfare (In The US Army)

Intertwining Cyber And Electronic Warfare (In The US Army)

With cyber playing a critical role in conflict going forward, the Army has begun to recognize the need to have organic cyber planners within a brigade’s staff to offer commanders options related to cyber as well as electronic warfare. Cyber and Electromagnetic Activities, or CEMA cells, have been stood up in each brigade acting as…

Holding on to the US Air Force’s cyber workers

Holding on to the US Air Force’s cyber workers

Senators have long been worried about the future of the Air Force’s cyber workforce. “Out of the 127 Air Force cyber officers that completed their first tour on the cyber mission force, none went back to a cyber-related job,” Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said during a May 2017 hearing. “That is unacceptable and suggests a…

US Defense Innovation Unit Experimental (DIUx) extends contract for Marines counterdrone tech

US Defense Innovation Unit Experimental (DIUx) extends contract for Marines counterdrone tech

The Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory (MCWL) has extended a prototype contract with Sensofusion for an additional year to develop a system that would give troops advanced warning of threats from drones. The contract was extended to “innovate and implement new capabilities within signal intelligence,” a June 6 press release said. The contract with Sensofusion is…

Bitcoin und Ethereum Geldautomat in Flughafen Amsterdam Schiphol aufgestellt

Bitcoin und Ethereum Geldautomat in Flughafen Amsterdam Schiphol aufgestellt

Der elftgrößte Flughafen der Welt, Amsterdam Schiphol, hat testweise einen Bitcoin-Geldautomaten aufgestellt, um den Bedürfnissen der Reisenden zu dienen. An der Maschine können sowohl Bitcoin als auch Ethereum erlangt werden. In einer Pressemitteilung von gestern teilte der Betreiber des Flughafen Amsterdam Schiphol mit, dass ein Automat installiert wurde, an dem sowohl Bitcoin als auch Ethereum für…

Can a new DISA ‘eApp’ help solve the 710,000 security clearance backlog?

Can a new DISA ‘eApp’ help solve the 710,000 security clearance backlog?

Workers with a security clearance are in high demand throughout the US federal government.   The federal government faces a substantial security clearance backlog, so the Defense Information Systems Agency has announced a potential solution. An electronic application, eApp, will be used to submit background security clearance investigation forms. The application debuted at the Armed…

Israeli National Cyber Security Authority Outsources: White Hat and White Knight Combat Cyberattacks

Israeli National Cyber Security Authority Outsources: White Hat and White Knight Combat Cyberattacks

This post is also available in: עברית (Hebrew)   Cyber threats on Israeli companies, organizations, and infrastructure grow daily. The Israeli National Cyber Security Authority has been concentrating its efforts to thwart this threat using sub-contractors, cyber companies that each one deals with the defense of a different critical sector. One of these companies is White…

CNO: Bundeswehr-Hacker bereit zum Hackback

CNO: Bundeswehr-Hacker bereit zum Hackback

Seit Jahren streiten Politiker, ob Deutschland nach einem Hackerangriff auch im Netz zurückschlagen darf. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen hat die Bundeswehr nun erstmals gemeldet, dass sie dazu in der Lage wäre. Von Matthias Gebauer und Marcel Rosenbach Samstag, 16.06.2018 Die Cybertruppe der Bundeswehr könnte im Fall eines Hackerangriffs auf deutsche Rechner und Netze mit einem sogenannten Hackback…

Adblock Plus wants to use blockchain to call out fake news

Adblock Plus wants to use blockchain to call out fake news

German eyeo, the company in Cologne behind the popular browser-based ad block product Adblock Plus, is no stranger to controversy. Which is just as well given its new “passion project”: A browser add-on that labels news content as ‘trusted’ or, well, Breitbart. The beta browser extension, which is called Trusted News (initially it’s just available for…

Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire at MoneyConf Dublin: ‘We Are at the Beginning of Tokenization of Everything’

Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire at MoneyConf Dublin: ‘We Are at the Beginning of Tokenization of Everything’

Jeremy Allaire, Co-Founder & CEO of payments company Circle spoke this morning of an unprecedented “crypto-revolution,” saying that global society is “at the beginning of a tokenization of everything.” Just as the early internet transformed data and communications, blockchain is now poised to revolutionize “every aspect of finance” and “reinvent public and civil services in…

The Cyber Bases Of The Future

The Cyber Bases Of The Future

National cyber defense units should be located in metropolitan areas where they can best take advantage of IT capabilities and infrastructure. (artisteer/Getty Images)   The cyber missions that support government and business cyber defenses need to be located where they can have an impact on the outcome. The Department of Defense owns a lot of…