Billion Dollar Public Company Microstrategy Moves $250 Million Into BTC, Says Bitcoin ‘Superior to Cash’

Billion Dollar Public Company Microstrategy Moves $250 Million Into BTC, Says Bitcoin ‘Superior to Cash’

Nasdaq-listed company Microstrategy Inc. is bullish on bitcoin, saying that it is a “dependable store of value” that is “superior to cash.” The billion-dollar company has purchased $250 million in bitcoin, adopting the cryptocurrency as its primary treasury reserve. Public Company Now Holds Bitcoin as Cash Reserve Microstrategy Inc. (NASDAQ: MSTR), (Wikipedia), which describes itself…

US Medical Debt Collection Firm R1 RCM Hit in Ransomware Attack

US Medical Debt Collection Firm R1 RCM Hit in Ransomware Attack

“Medical Debt Collection” is a phenomena specific to the USA, a country without general health coverage By Brian Krebs of KrebsOnSecurity R1 RCM Inc. [NASDAQ:RCM], one of the nation’s largest medical debt collection companies, has been hit in a ransomware attack. Formerly known as Accretive Health Inc., Chicago-based R1 RCM brought in revenues of $1.18…

ReVoLTE Attack Allows Hackers to Listen in on Mobile Calls

ReVoLTE Attack Allows Hackers to Listen in on Mobile Calls

Rare attack on cellular protocol exploits an encryption-implementation flaw at base stations to record voice calls. Researchers have discovered an attack on the Voice over LTE (VoLTE) mobile communications protocol that can break its encryption and allow attackers to listen in on phone calls. Dubbed ReVoLTE, the attack — detailed by a group of academic…

Amazon Alexa ‘One-Click’ Attack Can Divulge Personal Data

Amazon Alexa ‘One-Click’ Attack Can Divulge Personal Data

Researchers disclosed flaws in Amazon Alexa that could allow attackers to access personal data and install skills on Echo devices. Vulnerabilities in Amazon’s Alexa virtual assistant platform could allow attackers to access users’ banking data history or home addresses – simply by persuading them to click on a malicious link. Researchers with Check Point found…

Das passiert in einer Minute im Internet

Das passiert in einer Minute im Internet

Unendliche Weiten, riesige Datenmengen. Könnt ihr euch vorstellen, was innerhalb von einer Minute im Internet passiert? Diese Infografik zeigt es euch. In einer Zeit, in der wir praktisch 24 Stunden am Tag online sind, geht es im Internet zu wie in einem Taubenschlag. Unzählige Whatsapp-Nachrichten werden verschickt, Hunderttausende Apps werden heruntergeladen und etliche Stunden auf…

Cyberagentur geht offiziell an den Start

Cyberagentur geht offiziell an den Start

Im Juli 2019 wurde am Flughafen Leipzig/Halle eine Absichtserklärung zur Errichtung der Cyberagentur unterzeichnet. Mit dabei waren Peter Tauber (von links, CDU), Parlamentarische Staatssekretär im Verteidigungsministerium, Bundesinnenminister Horst Seehofer (CSU), Sachsen-Anhalts Ministerpräsident Reiner Haseloff (CDU) und Sachsens Ministerpräsident Michael Kretschmer (CDU). von dpa – 12.08.2020 “Zur Sicherstellung digitaler Souveränität” soll unter Federführung von Verteidigungs- und…

DEF CON 2020 Wrap-Up: Hacking Phones, Cars, and Satellites

DEF CON 2020 Wrap-Up: Hacking Phones, Cars, and Satellites

see all DEFCON 2020 presentations: Tens of researchers showcased their work last week at the DEF CON 28 Safe Mode (virtual) hacking conference 2020. They presented research on hacking phones, cars, satellite communications, traffic lights, smart home devices, printers, and popular software services, among many others. Here is a summary of some of the…

The New US Cyber Policy Has Serious Bite for Chinese Firms

The New US Cyber Policy Has Serious Bite for Chinese Firms

Mike Pompeo’s announcement will hit Chinese internet companies at their most vulnerable spots. On August 5, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a major announcement regarding U.S. cyberspace. Depicting the Chinese Communist Party as a malign actor that aggressively intrudes on U.S. telecommunications and technology infrastructures, Pompeo said the U.S. government will initiate a…

Vulnerabilities in Qualcomm Snapdragon Chips Expose Billions of Devices to Attacks

Vulnerabilities in Qualcomm Snapdragon Chips Expose Billions of Devices to Attacks

Security researchers have identified hundreds of vulnerabilities that expose devices with Qualcomm Snapdragon chips to attacks. During a presentation at DEF CON last week, Check Point security researcher Slava Makkaveev revealed how vulnerabilities in the compute digital-signal processor (DSP) – a subsystem that enables the processing of data with low power consumption – could open…

Microsofts Milliarden-Dollar Geschäfte

Microsofts Milliarden-Dollar Geschäfte

Der Tech-Riese Microsoft erwägt eine Übernahme der Geschäfte des sozialen Netzwerks TikTok für die USA, Kanada, Australien und Neuseeland. Nachdem US-Präsident Donald Trump ankündigte, die beliebte App wegen Datensicherheitsbedenken und der mutmaßlichen engen Bindung zur chinesischen Regierung zu verbieten, hat Microsofts CEO Satya Nadella eine Chance gesehen in den Social Media-Markt einzusteigen. TikToks Wert wird…

Rund 9 von 10 PCs laufen mit Windows :(

Rund 9 von 10 PCs laufen mit Windows :(

Windows 10 feiert am 29. Juli 2020 seinen fünften Geburtstag. Das Betriebssystem ist mit einem Marktanteil von rund 59 Prozent die meistverbreitete Betriebssoftware weltweit vor seinem älteren “Bruder” Windows 7. Erst an dritter Stelle steht ein Konkurrent aus dem Hause Apple – die aktuellste OS-Version des Mac bringt es auf gerade einmal 4,5 Prozent Marktanteil,…

Thinking of a Cybersecurity Career? Read This.

Thinking of a Cybersecurity Career? Read This.

By Brian Krebs Thousands of people graduate from colleges and universities each year with cybersecurity or computer science degrees only to find employers are less than thrilled about their hands-on, foundational skills. Here’s a look at a recent survey that identified some of the bigger skills gaps, and some thoughts about how those seeking a…

More Than 1,000 People Could Access Twitter’s ‘God Mode’

More Than 1,000 People Could Access Twitter’s ‘God Mode’

The admin panel used by hackers to access over one hundred accounts can be used by over 1,000 twitter employees — two former Twitter employees revealed. More than 1,000 Twitter employees and contractors had access to the internal admin panel that enabled last week’s Twitter hack of 130 high profile accounts. According to Reuters on…

Crack SSH Private Key Passwords with John the Ripper [Tutorial]

Cyber Weapons Lab, Episode 176 The Secure Shell network protocol, usually used to manage remote machines, is prone to password brute-forcing. That’s why key-based authentication is used when security is paramount since private keys can be encrypted. But nothing is invincible, and these SSH private key passwords can still be cracked. In this episode of…

London is more closely monitored than Beijing

London is more closely monitored than Beijing

Nur zwei Städte weltweit verfügen laut Comparitech über eine flächendeckendere Videoüberwachung als London, Taiyuan und Wuxi, beide in China gelegen. Und der Vollständigkeit halber muss hier gesagt werden, dass die Volksrepublik 18 Mal in den Top 20 der am stärksten überwachten Großstädte der Welt auftaucht. Indes schafft es die britische Hauptstadt mit 68,4 Kameras je…

Pentagon AI team sets sights on information warfare

Pentagon AI team sets sights on information warfare

About two years after it was created, the Pentagon’s artificial intelligence center is setting its sights on new projects, including one on joint information warfare. This initiative seeks to deliver an information advantage to the Department of Defense in two ways. The first is improving the DoD’s ability to integrate commercial and government AI solutions.…